Vigorously equipping youth and their families to maximize their potential through education, wellness and economic stability
Laser-focused on South Memphis
Since 1998, Knowledge Quest has been committed to serving youth and families in South Memphis. In our community, 95% of residents are African-American and the median age is 28.3 years. For younger families, there are limited opportunities for economic mobility when compared to those residing in other parts of the state and nation as evidenced by a poverty rate of 56.4% in our 38126 zip code compared to 13.3% and 11.4% for Tennessee and the U.S., respectively. When coupled with the fact that the nearest full-service grocery store is over three miles away, our South Memphis community has emerged as one of the nation’s most significant poverty and food crisis communities.
Lack of Opportunity
Access to key opportunities and resources have a clear impact on educational achievement and career prospects. When access to opportunities is limited, the effects can be devastating. Children in communities like South Memphis typically see 1/20th of the average investment that American middle class children experience when it comes to educational and extracurricular opportunities. At KQ, we recognize that to affect change, we will need to close that opportunity gap– and increase access for not just the child, but for the whole family.
Home. Health. Opportunity (H2O) Methodology
Our place-based approach responds to the needs of the whole family. Our innovative programming is rooted in a cradle-to-career continuum methodology and seeks to serve parent and child holistically. We operate four strategic programs: Early Childhood Academy; Extended Learning Academies; Family Stability Centers; and Green Leaf Learning Farm.
Home. Health. Opportunity (H20)
We offer assistance at no cost to families experiencing crisis, particularly financial crisis that may lead to the loss of their current place of residence. Services offered include housing assistance, referrals, and short- term counseling and support.We also have judgement-free zones where parents can receive professional counseling, information and emotional support for
family-related concerns, no matter how small.
We believe that Health, both Physical and Mental/Emotional, is essential to well-being. Knowledge Quest supports families leveraging matters of mental and physical health in our opportunities. Green Leaf Learning Farm supports physical health and champions equitable food access by offering the highest quality USDA Certified Organic produce. The Family Stability Center at College Park offers physical and mental supports through 1 on 1 professional counseling, support groups, and alternative therapies that improve mind and body.
The average American middle class family makes annual investments of approximately $11,000 in extracurricular activities for their children. For students in communities like South Memphis, that investment drops to approximately $600 per year. At KQ, we seek to close that opportunity gap, through mass exposure followed by significant investment where students find passion. But opportunity not only for children, but for their parents as well through initiatives around career development, entrepreneurship and home ownership.
2023 Knowledge Quest Impact
Families Served
Students Enrolled
Pounds Harvested
Join us in providing excellent opportunities to youth in one of Memphis’ most under-resourced communities! Your donation will positively affect the lives of Knowledge Quest children and their families.